Middle School Curriculum guide for story about Kelvin Doe
Title: Kelvin Doe Makes Radio Station out of Trash
To go to story with quiz questions linked to specific Common Core standards click here.
Background: The students will have prior knowledge about recycling and the benefits of: Reusing, Reducing, and Recycling.
The students will become familiar with the benefits of being “green” by finding ways to recycling and reuse items within the environment.
Suggested Before Strategies to Actively Engage the Students: Question and Answer Pairs, Ten-Two Strategy, and Rotating Chair Discussion.
At the conclusion of the lesson, the students will:
~Explain reusing, reducing, and recycling.
~Cite specific reasons why it is important to recycle.
~Discuss Kelvin Doe and his effect on the citizens of Sierra Leone.
~Discuss the benefits of reducing, reusing, and recycling.
~Research information from books or websites book related to reusing, reducing, and recycling, together with creating a usable product from recycled material.
~Explain the living conditions in Sierra Leone.
~Discuss Kelvin Doe
~Answer quiz questions related to the Kelvin Doe article by use of memory and by referring back to the text.
~Explore the selected books related to radios, communication, and the benefits of recycling.
~Complete a quiz, aligned with the Common Core State Standards, as a form of evaluation.
Laptop computer or mobile device to access various websites
Access to Smartboard or Activeboard
Books related to recycling in addition to radios
A physical map or medium for the students to locate Sierra Leone
The handout of the story about Kelvin Doe
A pen or pencil to answer the quiz questions
Materials necessary to complete any extension activities
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.2B Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. (i.e. provide background knowledge of words contained within the text so that the reader has a better understanding or generalization.)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.2B Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.
(i.e. provide background knowledge of words contained within text so that the reader has a better understanding and/or generalization.)
Vocabulary Terms for Discussion:
Recycle – use again
Reuse – use again or more than once
Carelessly – not paying attention to what one does
Broadcast – to speak, to transmit, to cast over an area
Initiative – an act or step.
Windmill – a machine for pumping; driven by force
Disc Jockey – a person who conducts a broadcast; selects, plays or announces things on a radio station.
Engaged – busy; involved
Transmitter – a device for sending electromagnetic waves as used for broadcasting.
Resource for terms: “http://www.dictionary.com” www.dictionary.com
Geographic Term: Sierra Leone-a country located in West Africa. The climate is tropical and 70% of its people live in poverty.
Information retrieved from “http://www.en.m.wikipedia.org” www.en.m.wikipedia.org (07-15-14)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.8.1, 8.1A, 8.1B, 8.1C, AND 8.1D
Comprehension and Collaboration
Suggested During Strategies to Actively Engage Students: 3-2-1 Format, Write-Pair-Share, and Student Summaries.
Suggested After Strategies to Actively Engage Students: Jigsaw Teamwork, Think-Pair-Share, and Graphic Organizers.
Discussion Activities
Allow students to form small groups to:
discuss possible responses to each question
identify evidence that support their answer choices
form a consensus to determine which answer choice is best
present your choice to the class and be prepared to defend your choice with evidence from the text