Middle School Curriculum guide for story about Harnoor Gill

Title: Harnoor Gill

  To go to story with quiz questions linked to specific Common Core standards click here.

Background: The students will have prior knowledge related to and know what it means to:Volunteer
Suggested Before Strategies to Actively Engage Students: Question and Answer Pairs, Shared Brainstorming, and Ten-Two Strategy.
At the conclusion of the lesson, the students will:
~Explain the importance of volunteerism.
~Explain the importance of anti-bullying and what it means to be peaceful.
~Cite examples specific of acts of volunteering.
~Discuss Harnoor Gill and his contribution as a peacemaker and volunteer

~Research information from books or websites book related to acts of volunteers and types of volunteer work.
~Explain the living conditions in Mexico.
~Discuss India and its living conditions.
~Recall Harnoor Gill’s goal and his desire to help others.
~Complete a quiz, aligned with the Common Core State Standards, as a form of evaluation.

Laptop computer or form of mobile device to procure internet access.
Access to a Smartboard or Activeboard
A physical map or medium for the students to locate India
A dictionary to locate definitions to the vocabulary terms
The hand-out of the story related to Harnoor Gill
Related books for exploration
A pencil or pen to answer the quiz questions

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.2B Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. (i.e. provide background knowledge of words contained within the text so that the reader has a better understanding or generalization.)

Vocabulary Terms for Discussion:
Passion-a powerful emotion.
Volunteering-to perform or offer to perform a service of one’s own free will.
Brush-a light touch in passing.
Bullying-a person who is cruel.
Organization-a unit of people to meet a need or pursue a goal.
Environmental-of or related to the environment.
Founded-to establish or set up.
Immigrant-a person who leaves one country to settle into another.
Newcomer-one who has recently arrived.
International-of or involving two or more nations.
Journalist-a person who writes for a large audience.
Awareness-having knowledge of.
Accolades-an award or honor.
Significant-something that is meaningful.
Prestigious-having high honor.
Emphasizes-to stress.
Recognition-identifying something.
Barrier-something that is in the way.

Resource for terms: HYPERLINK “http://www.Dictionary.search.yahoo.com” www.Dictionary.search.yahoo.com (retrieved 7-23-14)

Geographic Term: India-a country in South Asia. It is the seventh largest country. It struggles with poverty and inadequate public health care, to name a few.

Information retrieved from HYPERLINK “http://www.en.m.wikipedia.org”www.en.m.wikipedia.org (retrieved 7-23-14)

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.8.1, 8.1A, 8.1B, 8.1C, AND 8.1D
Comprehension and Collaboration

Suggested During Strategies to Actively Engage Students: Graphic Organizers, Student Summaries, and Note Check.

Suggested After Strategies to Actively Engage Students: Think-Pair-Share, One-Minute Paper, and TwoColumn Method.
Discussion Activities
Allow students to form small groups to:
discuss possible responses to each question
identify evidence that support their answer choices
form a consensus to determine which answer choice is best
present your choice to the class and be prepared to defend your choice with evidence from the text
Some of the contents of this document was re-edited by Patricia McGinty

Annotated Bibliography

Kerley, B. (2009).One World, One Day. Washington D.C.: National Geographic Children’s Books.
The book contains poetic text to display the concept of being “one”. The scenes within each picture depict peace and peacefulness. Because we are living on one earth, living as one global family is paramount. The theme of peace resonates in t he contents of this book.

Lewis, B. (1992). Kids With Courage. Minnesota:Free Spirit.
This non-fiction book portrays the heroic actions of young people wanting to make a difference in the world. The topics include: crime, social action, and the environment, to name a few. The book is age appropriate and relates to the unit topic.

Sundem, G. (2010). Real Kids, Real Stories, Real Change: Courageous Actions Around The World. Minnesota: Free Spirit.
This book contains story about thirty kids from around the world who were change agents. The topics include: saving the environment, standing up for themselves and others, overcoming challenges, and putting talent and creativity to good use. This book is age appropriate and relates to the topic contained within this unit.

Yamada, K. (2014).What Do You Do With An Idea? Pennsylvania: Compendium.
This book contains an inspirational message: changing the world. Told from the perspective of a very young child, these 36 pages are filled with wonder, awe, and confidence. This is a perfect book for the concept contained within the story line of this unit.

Zelban, J. (2006). Paths to Peace: People Who Changed the World. New York: Dutton Children’s Books.
The book discussed sixteen peacemakers who changed the world. Many of those explored within this book began their peace journey in childhood. This non- fiction book is a great reference guide for teachers and students alike.

Contents of the Annotated Bibliography provided by Patricia McGinty

To go to story with quiz questions linked to specific Common Core standards click here.



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